Early Childhood Education: Improving the Development of Discoveries and New Learning Stimuli


  • Denise Helena Bezerra Rodrigues Faculdade de Ciência Humanas do Sertão Central - FACHUSC.
  • Maricélia Félix Andrade Bringel Faculdade de Ciência Humanas do Sertão Central - FACHUSC.




Early childhood education, Development, Learning stimuli


Early childhood education learning through the development of discoveries and new learning stimuli emerges as a highly reflective subject in the educational environment, highlighting the information that, from birth, we are already exposed to various stimuli that help in the formation of educational concepts and developments. The main objective of this article is to emphasize the importance of discovery and stimulation in early childhood education. The article is organized according to the conception of the child and their social skills and the perspective of the teacher in the face of learning stimuli. The justification for this basis arises as a new reflective look at the actions of the cognitive aspect of children, in addition to appreciating each phase of development. The starting point for the construction of the article addresses the problem sustained by the conception of not valuing important experiences of children's imagination through stimuli and new discoveries, often through simple play. The methodology is qualitative and used bibliographical analysis on the subject, as well as an analytical perspective within the educational space of children. The results achieved arise from the release of enriching information and the creation of new possibilities for encouraging educational stimulation. The conclusions emphasize and aggregate the spontaneous stimulation of children and the use of the educational professional for the integral development of the student. A child who receives adequate stimulation has a greater capacity for learning.


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