Oncological Palliative Care in the Care of Elderly People in the Hospital Context: Scope Review






Palliative Care, Oncology, hospital, Elderly people


This study aimed to identify the approach to oncological palliative care in the care of elderly people undergoing hospitalization, based on banks of theses and dissertations. This is a scoping review of theses and dissertations published in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations and in the journals of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. The following search descriptors were used: palliative care, oncology, hospital and elderly person. The selection used some inclusion and exclusion criteria. In the literature analyzed, it was observed that the main symptom reported among elderly people undergoing oncological palliative care in the hospital context was pain. Pain control is the most prevalent conduct of the multidisciplinary team. The need for studies dedicated to researching the approach to oncological palliative care in the care of elderly people is highlighted, including its specificities, potentialities and limitations.


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Author Biographies

Allya Ariadne Alves Malcher, Federal University of Pará

Occupational Therapist, Specialist with Residency in Health Care for the Elderly at the Federal University of Pará; Master's student in Psychology - Postgraduate Program in Psychology at the Universidade Fedeal do Pará.

Airle Miranda de Souza, Federal University of Pará

Psychologist, PhD in Medical Sciences from the State University of Campinas, Postgraduate in Logotherapy and Existential Analysis from the Portuguese Association of Logotherapy-APL, an institution accredited by the Viktor Frankl Institute, Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences - Federal University of Pará (IFCH/UFPA) .

Marcelo Marques Cardoso, Federal University of Pará

Occupational Therapist, PhD in Neurosciences and Cell Biology (PPGNeuroBC/ UFPA, 2010), Professor at the Faculty of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Institute of Health Sciences at the Federal University of Pará (FFTO - ICS - UFPA).

Victor Augusto Cavaleiro Corrêa, Federal University of Pará

Occupational Therapist, PhD in Tropical Diseases (Tropical Medicine Center - NMT/UFPA), Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences - Federal University of Pará (IFCH/UFPA).


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