Incidence of Children and Adolescents with Insulin Dependence in the Municipality of Almenara-MG between 2020 and 2023
DM1, Insulin, NursingAbstract
Management of diabetes in children must take into account the main differences between children of various ages and adults. Nurses play a significant role in detecting diabetes in various health care settings, resulting in rapid diagnoses and immediate initiation of treatment. The objective of this study was to analyze the incidence of children and adolescents with insulin dependence in the municipality of Almenara -MG between 2020 and 2023. The work is a qualitative exploratory descriptive study. From the collection of data through access to a database made available virtually in the official notification system e-SUS APS- Secretariat of Primary Health Care, in the period between the years 2020 and 2023, the demographic data to categorize this research were: Sex and Age. A qualitative analysis was carried out on the topic. Data collection occurred through data obtained from electronic databases such as Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Google Scholar, and other articles published by the world health organization (WHO). Since the period from 1990 to 2021 was limited, articles published in Portuguese and English were used. The results demonstrate that the age of highest incidence of DM is between 10 and 14 years old and a similar proportion between girls and boys. In 2020, there were only two cases of children under 1 year of age with DM, these cases are simultaneously faced by a male child and a female child. The study shows that the number of recent diagnoses of DM1 diabetes in children and adolescents is substantial. More sociodemographic data are needed to expand studies in the studied region.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Raissa Rodrigues Neres, Washington Tiago Figueiredo, Viviane Amaral Toledo Coelho, Ednardo de Souza Nascimento, Carla Giselly de Souza, Creonice Santos Bigatello, Luanna Botelho Souto de Araújo, Virginia Torres Alves
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