Comparison of the Food Consumption of Adolescents in a Public High School in the Urban Area with the Food Consumption at their Residence in the Rural Area in Banabuiú-CE
food consumption, adolescents, food at home, food at schoolAbstract
Adolescents' food consumption is influenced and defined mainly based on what they experience in their homes and in other places where they also eat meals, such as school. The adolescence phase, a period of intense changes and definitions, a phase between ten and nineteen years old, is a period of life characterized by intense psychological, biological and social transformations that contribute to the vulnerability characteristic of this population group. These definitions may include food tastes and preferences regarding what to eat at meals and
snacks. Considering this phase of transformations and definitions, it is important to verify how adolescents living in rural areas who study in urban areas construct their eating habits: what they eat, what they like to eat, what they
don't like, what they would like to eat, what what they consider to have interfered with these tastes, what is the contribution of the foods present in their homes, or the foods present in school lunches. And that is what the general objective of the research seeks. The research was developed with young teenagers who live in rural areas and who study in a public school in urban areas. Interviews were carried out with a sample of these students through the application of questionnaires with multiple choice questions and also open questions. It was possible to understand, from the results, what students consume most at home and at school, as well as identify what is consumed least by them. Based on the results, viable proposals are presented to improve the food consumption of these students.
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