Geographic Education in Elementary School I: A Case Study in a Public School in Salgueiro-PE


  • Edivânia Francisca Bezerra Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão central (FACHUSC)
  • Maricélia Félix Andrade Bringel Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão central (FACHUSC)



Geography, Elementary Education I, Teaching-Learning


This is a case study that addressed the importance of teaching Geography in Elementary School I, exploring its role in training students in relation to understanding and interacting with the world. The need to awaken in students the perception that Geography deals with the reality of the space in which they are inserted was highlighted, encouraging them to concretely understand the composition of this environment and to place themselves in it consciously, adopting civic attitudes and postures. The main objective was to discuss the relevance of teaching the Geography subject for Elementary School I students, focusing on the construction of knowledge, curriculum design and appropriate pedagogical practices in the teaching-learning process. Furthermore, the use of technology was emphasized as a crucial point for comprehensive learning, believing that, through this tool, it is possible to provide meaning to all the learning skills necessary for students in this age group. The research was classified as descriptive due to the objectives, involving the survey of known characteristics of the facts/phenomena/problems. In relation to the procedures and data collection, it was classified as bibliographic as there was research on the subject where information on the subject was sought, for which reference was made to the National Common Curricular Base, Carneiro (2018), Cavalcante (2012), Ferreira ( 2019), Lima (2021), Moura (2022), among other authors who contributed to the construction of the article. Data analysis showed that appropriate teaching of the Geography subject allows students to build learning and discoveries based on an understanding of place and space, thus allowing a broader understanding of the world.


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Author Biographies

Edivânia Francisca Bezerra, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão central (FACHUSC)

Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão central (FACHUSC).

Maricélia Félix Andrade Bringel, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão central (FACHUSC)

Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão central (FACHUSC).


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Estudo de Caso