Children's Literature: Its Contributions to the Teaching-Learning Process in Childhood


  • Larisse Freire de Souza Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central
  • Francisca Ivoneide Benicio Malaquias Alves Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central



Children's literature, Child education, Reading


Children's literature is extremely important in the first phase of childhood and
plays a fundamental role in the teaching-learning process throughout early childhood
education. It is at this stage that children awaken and explore different experiences that
influence their cognitive and emotional growth. Literary books are instruments that contribute
to the development of language, enriching vocabulary and improving written and verbal
skills. Contact with books influences how children see the reality around them, providing new
experiences, sharpening curiosity and encouraging discoveries. It is a motivating and
challenging tool for the student, being able to transform their thoughts and ideas, helping to
understand various subjects covered in the classroom, constituting critical citizens. School
and family are essential elements in contributing to moments of reading, storytelling and
conversation circles, giving them opportunities to express their ideals. The research also




shows that the teacher's mediation is of great relevance in the construction of students'
knowledge, pointing out improvements in the development process that is constructed by the
student in the school and family environment. This article aims to help students develop the
habit of reading, creating an interactive, imaginary and fun environment, forming a link
between the real and the imaginary. The method used for this research was bibliographic in
nature. It is understandable that children's literature is a teaching resource and its contribution
is relevant to the learning process, thus instigating the need to always read both children's
literature and other books that point to improvements in the learning process.


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Author Biographies

Larisse Freire de Souza, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central

Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central (FACHUSC).

Francisca Ivoneide Benicio Malaquias Alves, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central

Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central (FACHUSC).


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