Application of the Active Methodology "Rotation by Stations" as Pedagogical Tool in English Language Classes


  • Maria das Dores Silva Nascimento Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central (FACHUSC)
  • Cicera Rosimere Ferreira Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central (FACHUSC)



Active methodology, Station Rotation, English Language Teaching


The general objective of this research is to discuss how the application of the active methodology “Rotation by Station” can be used as a pedagogical tool in English language classes. The hybrid teaching model is similar to what we know as traditional teaching, given that it is a combination of current methods and current pedagogical practices. Therefore, there is no need to change all the conventions of the instruction model that everyone knows. One of the advantages of this tool is that teachers are more present, ensuring support for students who need more attention, as not everyone develops or learns in the same way. The tasks performed by each station are somewhat independent, but are carried out in an integrated manner. The objective of this proposal is to promote proficiency in the English language and present the concepts, possibilities and limitations of applying the station rotation method as a teaching tool in the English classroom during the teaching process. With theoretical-methodological aspects of bibliographic research, we used qualitative research, covering some theorists, including: Berbel (2015), Freire (2017), Moran (2016), Moreira (2015), Mininel (2022) and other researchers, educators and professionals who work and defend the improvement of English language teaching through active station rotation methodologies. Active approaches improve learning through communication, interaction and understanding of reality. Therefore, the combination of digital technologies and proactive approaches can lead to a differentiated experience, making it possible to work with complex content collaboratively. The study found that, in addition to the difficulties encountered during the experience, innovative actions are necessary to make students protagonists in the construction of knowledge and stimulate vitality. Interaction and collaboration in learning spaces facilitate the individual's comprehensive training.


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Author Biographies

Maria das Dores Silva Nascimento, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central (FACHUSC)

Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central (FACHUSC).

Cicera Rosimere Ferreira, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central (FACHUSC)

Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central (FACHUSC).


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