Institutional Psychopedagogue: Reflections on the performance and the Challenges it Faces
Psychopedagogue, Professional performance, School, TrainingAbstract
This article seeks to raise important questions about the performance of the psychopedagogue in the institutional field in the face of obstacles, since the contemporary school needs this updated and dynamic professional. Given this, came the interest in having an in-depth study on the subject. For this, the following subjects are discussed throughout the article, such as knowledge of the role of the psychopedagogue in schools and also the difficulties that he finds in solving problems, in addition, information was reported on the interventions that fit the professional of Psychopedagogy to do at school to optimize the students' teaching-learning process. Also, it was possible to discuss the true importance of the psychopedagogue in the educational environment, which is beyond simply knowing the main causes that affect learning, but a knowledgeable subject on how to deal with the new challenges that the school faces today. The methodology used was based on bibliographical studies with a qualitative approach. In view of the discussions and researched studies, it was clarified about all the dynamics, challenges and the true role of the psychopedagogical professional in formal teaching environments.
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Copyright (c) 2023 ROBERTO REMÍGIO FLORÊNCIO, Raimunda Maria Gomes Silva, Maria Rosimara Nascimento Menezes, Simone Rejane da Silva Coelho
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