The Contributions of the School Mediator in Cognitive Development and Social Development of Children with ADHD


  • Naiara de Freitas Souza Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central
  • Maricélia Félix Andrade Bringel Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central



Mediation, ADHD, Learning


The objective of this study was to show the importance of the school mediator in the processes of learning, inclusion and development of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The research uses a qualitative approach because it presents the methods and processes used in the room by mediators, and uses bibliographical research as methods to support it through reports, articles and books that bring studies and reports on the various topics of the area under study. The research also involves a case study of observation and monitoring of school mediation with a student with ADHD in the 5th year of elementary school at a school in the city of Salgueiro-PE. Throughout the article, reports of teachers and activities carried out by the student are presented. Analyzing the teachers' speeches and comparing them with the student's recent attitudes and behavior, it is possible to notice the difference and the general progress of this child after the interventions and strategies developed by the mediator. It is observed that the student with this disorder needs to be monitored throughout basic education and that this support is essential in their learning and socialization process at school, thus resulting in the progressive advancement of the child in the school environment.


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Author Biographies

Naiara de Freitas Souza, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central

Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central (FACHUSC).

Maricélia Félix Andrade Bringel, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central

Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central (FACHUSC)



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