Social Technologies and Sustainability in the Periphery: Analysis of the “Sustainable Culture” project in the Alto da Penha neighborhood in Crato/CE


  • Marcus Emanuel Oliveira Lima Faculdade Legale
  • Piedley Macêdo Saraiva Universidade Federal do Cariri
  • Danyelle Queirós Lima Chagas Universidade Federal do Cariri
  • Maria Isabel de Sousa Bezerra Universidade Federal do Cariri



solidarity economy, social management, social currency, sustainability


The work analyzed the Sustainable Culture Project in Bairro Alto da Penha in Crato/CE, starting from the perception that the project makes use of social technologies in the periphery, concretizing and putting into perspective the pillars of sustainable development. The research was developed from a qualitative approach, seeking to understand the Sustainable Culture Project (PCS). As for its nature, it is applied research. The method used is deductive, based on the analysis of studies on sustainable development, solidarity economy, social management and the use of social currencies to arrive at the development of activities in the PCS. As for the objective, the research is descriptive and explanatory. The procedure used was bibliographical research, subsidized by academic works and scientific articles on the subject, as well as the case study, where the practical application of knowledge was sought to solve social problems within the communities benefited by the PCS. The Alto da Penha neighborhood, according to the 2010 Census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE, has a population of 4,038 residents, being historically presented as a violent neighborhood (in its various aspects), with high socioeconomic vulnerability, with a lack of services and public policies. Despite the vulnerability attested by the departments and municipal and media bodies, this community has a history of communion in terms of social struggles and concern for environmental issues. The Sustainable Culture Project (PCS) is a non-profit, non-profit, voluntary project that emerged in June 2016 with the aim of contributing to the promotion of territorial development based on environmental education and sustainable management of solid waste in the Alto da Penha neighborhood in Crato/CE, through what became known as Sustainable Fairs. In the end, it was demonstrated that the project implements the pillars of sustainable development, through a solidarity economy model using social currency.


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Author Biographies

Marcus Emanuel Oliveira Lima, Faculdade Legale

Especialista em Direito Empresarial Faculdade Legale (FALEG/SP).

Piedley Macêdo Saraiva, Universidade Federal do Cariri

Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional Sustentável pela Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA/CE).

Danyelle Queirós Lima Chagas, Universidade Federal do Cariri

Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional Sustentável pela Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA/CE).

Maria Isabel de Sousa Bezerra, Universidade Federal do Cariri

Bacharela em Administração Pública e Gestão Social pela Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA/CE).


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