Youth and Adult Education in the Prison System: The Teacher's perspective on Detained Students and the Expectations Regarding the Study and life after Prison


  • Yara Patrycia de Amorim Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central
  • Aurelania Maria de Carvalho Menezes Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central



Educação de Jovens e Adultos, Práticas docentes, Ressocialização, Sistema Prisional


The present work deals with a relevant theme for the academic and social world, as it deals with Youth and Adult Education within the Prison System. Its main objective is to know, through the eyes of the teacher, what are the expectations of his detained student, regarding his educational future and life after prison. Theoretically, it is based on research already published on the internet, in books and magazines. Authors such as: Federal Constitution (1988), Assis (2007), Tavares & Menandro (2004), Criminal Execution Law (1976), Moreira (2007) and others, supported the reasoning of the work. With a qualitative method, a structured individual interview was carried out with two teachers of the Youth and Adult Education modality (EJA) working within the prison system of Salgueiro-PE. After analyzing the data, through the eyes of the teacher, it was mainly evident that most students live without any expectations related to their studies, considering that studying is no longer worth it and that the opportunity to conquer a future through education has already passed. For the teachers, the classes take place in the midst of mistrust in the environment and hampered by the lack of technological resources, which cannot be used inside the prison. It is concluded that, even with so many challenges faced by teachers and inmates, it is relevant to take education to an environment where most dreams are no longer pursued, but there are still those who intend to continue their studies and be re-socialized.


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