The Importance of the Recruitment and Selection process for efficient Business Management in Micro and Small Companies


  • Izabele Rodrigues Vasconcelo Unidade de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão – UNISULMA
  • Monica da Cruz Rizzatti Unidade de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão – UNISULMA
  • Jailza do Nascimento Tomaz Andrade Unidade de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão – UNISULMA


Recrutamento e seleção. Gestão eficiente. Recursos Humanos.


Abstract: The work aims to understand the importance of the recruitment and selection process for efficient business management in micro and small companies. Companies are looking for rapid economic and organizational growth, so a team of skilled people who are aware of their role is needed. Through an efficient management of people, a good process of recruitment and selection can be established and, consequently, the admission of qualified and prepared professionals to work in the local market. Having only technical preparation nowadays doesn't mean much. It's important, but it's not what makes the difference when hiring. The human resources area, that is, people management, nowadays, in addition to demanding technical competence from candidates, seeks people with skills and attitudes that are very specific to the needs of the company that demands the vacancy. As a methodology, bibliographic research was mainly used, through books and articles related to the topic in question. After the research, it became clear that the entire organization is made up of people, such as micro and small companies. Therefore, an efficient recruitment and selection process is essential to assemble the best team and together contribute to the company's success and success in the segment in which it operates.

Keywords: Importance. Recruitment and selection. Efficient management.


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Author Biographies

Izabele Rodrigues Vasconcelo, Unidade de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão – UNISULMA

Acadêmica do curso de bacharel em Administração pela Unidade de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão – UNISULMA. E-mail: [email protected];

Monica da Cruz Rizzatti, Unidade de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão – UNISULMA

Acadêmica do curso de bacharel em Administração pela Unidade de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão – UNISULMA. E-mail: [email protected];

Jailza do Nascimento Tomaz Andrade, Unidade de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão – UNISULMA

Docente do curso de Administração (UNISULMA); Mestre em Planejamento e Desenvolvimento; MBA em Gestão Empresarial. E-mail: [email protected].


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