Diversity Management in Organizations in Brazil: A Literature Review / Gestão da Diversidade nas Organizações no Brasil: Uma Revisão de Literatura
Diversity Management, Brazil, Gender and Sexuality.Abstract
The scientific production on Diversity Management in Brazil brings together several themes (religious diversity; ethnic-racial issues; gender and sexuality issues; and cultural issues). The objective is to present a literature review on Diversity Management in Organizations in Brazil based on a literature review in the Google Scholar, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), and Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library (SPELL) databases. It is considered that there is an increase in publications on Diversity Management; that the studies are crossed by several themes that can be brought together in the concept of Diversity; that the theme of Gender and Sexuality has had a greater focus. Therefore, it is evident that the management of diversity in Brazilian organizations is already a reality, when one observes publications of case studies that can be used in training at technical, undergraduate and graduate levels.
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